Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What's wrong with this picture?

Here is a nice little Welsummer hen.
She lays chocolate colored eggs.
But she has an odd problem!

Here is another photo ~
can you spot it?

This hen has spurs!!!
I have had a hen or two that thought
they could crow, but this is a first for
me with spurs!

What next?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Of Hens & Chicks

There once was a forlorn old rusty
chicken feeder and an old
concrete drainage pipe
overgrown with 'hens & chicks'.

The plants were removed from the pipe...

and joined the old chicken feeder...

in a happy union that sits in front of the
chicken house!
'Hens & Chicks'/Chicken Feeder/Chicken House!
I had to do it ~ it just seemed right!

Joining these hops~